During Winter and some early Spring shipments, some of the plant materials in this shipment are DORMANT.
This means that even though they have no green top growth, they will grow from dormant buds when temperatures are right. For many perennials, This 'rest period' is ESSENTIAL to good flowering performance in the upcoming season. During Summer/Winter months shipping might be delayed as we only will be shipping on days that we know it won’t harm the plant(s). Monday through Thursday

Buddleia Black Knight Butterfly Bush

Buddleia Black Knight Butterfly Bush
Item# buddleia-black-knight-butterfly-bush
Regular price: $26.95
Sale price: $25.06
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 weeks

Product Description

Buddleia 'Black Knight' Hardy Zones 5-9 Months of Bloom: Summer Mature Height: 4-6' Immediate shipping in 4" pot.

BUDDLEIA: Graceful gray-green foliage arches with flowers from summer into fall. The common name aptly describes this garden beauty. It does not wake up until late spring, but it's worth the wait! Flowers form on current growth. Should be cut back to 12-18" each spring. Will quickly grow backwith many flowering canes.

Black Knight Butterfly Bush - Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight'

Family: Loganiacead (Buddle-ia: after Adam Buddle, English botanist) They're fragrant, colorful and they attract butterflies. Bold, long blooming flowers. Treat them like a perennial in the north; cut them back heavily in the spring for better flowering.

One of the most popular cultivars. The blooms are pleasing blackish-purple color. The habit is open and the plant is strong. Typical green Buddleia leaves.Hardy Zones 5-9.

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