During Winter and some early Spring shipments, some of the plant materials in this shipment are DORMANT.
This means that even though they have no green top growth, they will grow from dormant buds when temperatures are right. For many perennials, This 'rest period' is ESSENTIAL to good flowering performance in the upcoming season. During Summer/Winter months shipping might be delayed as we only will be shipping on days that we know it won’t harm the plant(s). Monday through Thursday

Ozark Beauty Everbearer Strawberry Plants

Ozark Beauty Everbearer Strawberry Plants
Item# ozark-beauty-everbearer-strawberry-plants
Regular price: $11.95
Sale price: $11.11
Number Of Bare-Root Plants: 
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 weeks

Product Description

One of America's most popular everbearing varieties. Ozark Beauty's everbearing strawberry is an excellent variety for canning. Produces sweet, wedge-shaped fruit throughout summer and fall. Ideal for the home gardener. Plant both Everbearers and Junebearers to enjoy fresh strawberries all summer long. To avoid flowering and fruiting stress on young plants, flower buds should be removed in the first year. Removal of flowers will allow the plants to direct their energy toward establishing a root system and developing a healthy, large leaf canopy to fuel next year’s crop.

Bloom Time Summer Color Red Foliage Color Green Height 6-12" Sun Requirements Full Sun Type/Size #1 Division Hardiness Zone 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

*When selecting from the drop-down menu your selecting how many strawberries plants you want, The (+) number is how much the selected amount adds to the value it doesn't reflect bonus plants just the added dollar amount.*

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